Session packages
Love story shoot
- 15 Professionally edited, high resolution images
- 100 In color edited images
-2 Video Reels
-2,5 Hours session
-2 Locations closer to each other
- 2-3 Outfits
-Private online gallery for downloading/sharing photos

Studio Photoshoot
— 20 Professionally edited, high resolution images
- 20 In color edited images
-2 Hours session
- 2 Videos Reels
- 2-3 Outfits
-Private online gallery for downloading/sharing photos

Lifestyle shoot
- 8 Professionally edited, high resolution images
- 80 In color edited images
- 1 Hours session
-1 Video Reels
- 1 Location
- 1-2 Outfit
-Private online gallery for downloading/sharing photos

Event Shooting
- Minimum of 3 hours
- All raw images
- Star from 200 edited images
-Private online gallery for downloading/sharing photos
$200 per hour

Addition Information
If you would like, I can book an on-site hair and makeup artist for your session for an additional $250, makeup only is $150.
For any questions or addition information contact me via WhatsApp